Standard usage¶
powermon -C /path/to/configfile.yaml
Note: Config file syntax is described in Config File Syntax
Command Options¶
powermon command options¶
$ powermon -h
usage: powermon [-h] [-C [CONFIGFILE]] [--config CONFIG] [-V] [-v] [--listProtocols] [--listCommands PROTOCOL] [-1] [--force] [-I] [-D] [-a COMMAND]
Power Device Monitoring Utility, version: 1.0.14-dev, python version: 3.11.7
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Full location of config file
--config CONFIG Supply config items on the commandline in json format, eg '{"device": {"port":{"type":"test"}}, "commands": [{"command":"QPI"}]}'
-V, --validate Validate the configuration
-v, --version Display the version
--listProtocols Display the currently supported protocols
--listCommands PROTOCOL
Display available commands for PROTOCOL
-1, --once Only loop through config once
--force Force commands to run even if wouldnt be triggered (should only be used with --once)
-I, --info Enable Info and above level messages
-D, --debug Enable Debug and above (i.e. all) messages
Send adhoc command to mqtt adhoc command queue - needs config file specified and populated
Run Adhoc Command¶
$ powermon -C powermon.yaml -a device_info
There are 2 scenarios to running an adhoc command:
The device is not currently connected to a powermon process/service - This still requires a config file to provide the details, but the -a flag will ignore all commands in the config file an only run the supplied command
The device is actively being monitored by (for example) a powermon service instance - this will attempt to send the command via mqtt, so will not work if there is no accessible mqtt broker
List Available Protocols¶
list protocols¶
$ powermon --listProtocols
Power Device Monitoring Utility, version: 1.0.14-dev, python version: 3.11.7
Supported protocols
PI18: PI18 protocol handler
PI30: PI30 protocol handler
PI30MAX: PI30 protocol handler for LV6048MAX and similar inverters
DALY: DALY protocol handler for DALY BMS
NEEY: NEEY Active Balancer protocol handler
HELTEC: Heltec Active Balancer protocol handler
VED: VED protocol handler for Victron direct SmartShunts
JKSERIAL: JKBMS TTL serial communication protocol handler
List Available Commands for a Protocol¶
available commands for NEEY protocol¶
$ powermon --listCommands neey
Power Device Monitoring Utility, version: 1.0.14-dev, python version: 3.11.7
Commands in protocol: NEEY
info ['device_info'] - get the balancer information
cell_info - get the cell voltage, resistance information as well as battery voltage and balancing current
defaults ['factory_defaults'] - get the factory default settings
settings ['get_settings'] - get the bms settings
on ['balancer_on'] - turn balancer on
off ['balancer_off'] - turn balancer off
cell_count - set the number of cells in the battery -- eg cell_count=4 (set cell count to 4)