Config File Syntax

There are 7 sections in the config file:

Note: the powermon-cli has an option to generate a config file based on the answers to questions see Powermon-cli Usage


The device section has details about the device (some are optional, some may be required by certain output formats)

The port section is required, with at least the type defined

device section example
  name: My Inverter       # [optional] user name for physical device
  serial_number: 1234589  # [optional] serial number of physical device
                          # must be what is returned by get_id command
                          # if port path is a wildcard
  model: 1012LV-MK        # [optional] but used for adjusting some protocols
                          # eg PI30 protocol with model MAX uses the MAX version of the protocol
  manufacturer: MPP-Solar # [optional]
    type: test          # must be one of test, usb, serial, ble
    protocol: PI30      # [defaults to PI30] the protocol must be defined for any type of port
                        #  - valid protocols are listed in the protocols document
                        # the options for each port type are shown in separate sections below

The port section is required and must be one of test, usb, serial, ble, each of which has different config items/requirements

port - test
  type: test          # test port - returns one of the defined test_responses
                      #  in the protocol definition - used for testing protocols
  protocol: PI30
  response_number: 0  # [optional] - if defined uses the number test_response
                      #  from the protocol command definition (0 is first test_response)
port - usb
  type: usb           # usb port - uses direct usb access to device
                      #  (as opposed to serial which needs a usb to serial converter)
  protocol: PI30
  path: /dev/hidrawX  # X can be a number to specify a particular path
                      #   or a wildcard (eg ?) to check a range of paths
port - serial
  type: serial        # serial port - typically uses a usb to serial converter to connect to the device
  protocol: PI30
  path: /dev/ttyUSBX  # X can be a number to specify a particular path
                      #   or a wildcard to check a range of paths
  baud: 2400          # [optional, defaults to 2400] baud rate of connection
port - ble
  type: ble            # ble port - uses Bluetooth Low Energy to connect
                       #  to device and get info via BLE characteristics
  protocol: PI30
  mac: 00:00:00:00:00  # mac address of ble device
  victron_key: !ENV ${VICTRON_KEY}  # [optional] required for victron devices - see XXXX document


This section details the commands to be run against the device. This section requires a list of ``command``s with each command having optional additional information:

  • type

  • override

  • trigger

  • outputs

commands section example
- command: QPIGS        # command to execute (from protocol)
  type: basic           # [optional] defaults to basic, valid 'basic', 'templated', 'cache_query'
  overide: {}           # [optional]
  trigger:              # [optional] 'every', 'loops', 'at'
    every: 5
  - type: screen
    format: table
  - type: screen
      type: table


The loop directive can either be once or a number. once is mostly for testing and will run through the commands once and then exit, a number will define the number of seconds to pause at the end of each loop. If the entry cannot be interpreted as a number then it will default to once

Note: the effect of once can be forced on the command line by adding -1 or --once to the powermon command

loop section example - will run through the commands once and then exit
loop: once
loop section example - will add 5 sec delay to end of each loop
loop: 5


This section details the mqttbroker connection information

mqttbroker section example
  port: 1833
  adhoc_topic: powermon/adhoc_commands
  adhoc_result_topic: powermon/adhoc_results


This section configures the daemon settings

daemon section example
  type: systemd     # either 'systemd' or 'initd'
  keepalive: 100    # seconds between keepalive pings

