Powermon-cli Usage

So far there are several uses for the powermon-cli command

  1. list the available protocols

    • powermon-cli --listProtocols

  2. List available commands in a given protocol

    • powermon-cli --listCommands PI30

  3. List available output modules

    • powermon-cli --listOutputs

  4. List available output formats

    • powermon-cli --listFormats

  5. generating a config file starter from the answers of a series of questions

    • powermon-cli -g

  6. compare two protocols (and optionally a single command in each protocol)

    • powermon-cli --compareProtocols pi30,pi30max (compare the pi30 and pi30max protocols)

    • powermon-cli --compareProtocols pi30,pi30max:QMOD (compare the QMOD command from the pi30 and pi30max protocols)

  7. scan for details of BLE devices (with options to show additional details)

    • powermon-cli --bleScan --details --advData --getChars

Command Options

powermon command options
$ powermon-cli -h
usage: powermon-cli [-h] [-v] [-g] [--listProtocols] [--listCommands PROTOCOL] [--listFormats] [--listOutputs] [--compareProtocols PROTO1,PROTO2] [--bleReset] [--bleScan] [--details] [--advData] [--getChars] [--address MAC]

Power Device Monitoring Utility CLI, version: 1.0.16-dev, python version: 3.11.7

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v, --version         Display the version
-g, --generateConfigFile
                        Generate Config File
--listProtocols       List available protocols
--listCommands PROTOCOL
                        List available commands for PROTOCOL
--listFormats         List available output formats
--listOutputs         List available output modules
--compareProtocols PROTO1,PROTO2[:CMD]
                        Compare 2 protocol definitions (comma separated) with optional CMD to only compare that command
--bleReset            Reset the bluetooth subsystem (power off / on bluetoothctl)
--bleScan             Scan for BLE devices
--details             Show extra BLE device data
--advData             Include advertisement data in BLE Scan
--getChars            Connect to BLE device(s) and list characteristics
--address MAC         Only scan for supplied mac address

List Protocols

list available protocols
$ powermon-cli --listProtocols
Supported protocols
PI18: PI18 protocol handler
PI30: PI30 protocol handler
PI30MAX: PI30 protocol handler for LV6048MAX and similar inverters
PI30MST: PI30 protocol handler for PIP4048MST and similar inverters
DALY: DALY protocol handler for DALY BMS
NEEY: NEEY Active Balancer protocol handler
HELTEC: NEEY Active Balancer protocol handler
VED: VED protocol handler for Victron direct SmartShunts
JKSERIAL: JKBMS TTL serial communication protocol handler

List Commands in a protocol

list commands in PI30 protocol
$ powermon-cli --listCommands PI30
Commands in protocol: PI30
QPI  - Get the Inverter supported Protocol ID
QID ['get_id', 'default'] - Get the Serial Number of the Inverter
QVFW  - Get the Main CPU firmware version
QVFW2  - Get the Secondary CPU firmware version
QBOOT  - Get DSP Has Bootstrap
QDI  - Get the Inverters Default Settings
QMN  - Get the Model Name
PGR  - Set Grid Working Range  -- examples: PCR00 (set device working range to appliance), PCR01 (set device working range to UPS)
POP  - Set Device Output Source Priority  -- examples: POP00 (set Utility > Solar > Battery), POP01 (set Solar > Utility > Battery), POP02 (set Solar > Battery > Utility)
POPLG  - Set Device Operation Logic  -- examples: POPLG00 (set Auto mode), POPLG01 (set Online mode), POPLG02 (set ECO mode)
POPM  - Set Device Output Mode (for 4000/5000)  -- examples: POPM01 (set unit 0 to 1 - parallel output), POPM10 (set unit 1 to 0 - single machine output), POPM02 (set unit 0 to 2 - phase 1 of 3), POPM13 (set unit 1 to 3 - phase 2 of 3), POPM24 (set unit 2 to 4 - phase 3 of 3)
[...output truncated...]

List Output formats

available output formats
$ powermon-cli --listFormats
Available output formats
HASS: hass: generates Home Assistant auto config and update mqtt messages
HASS_AUTODISCOVERY: hass_autodiscovery: generates Home Assistant auto config (only) mqtt messages
HASS_STATE: hass_state: generates Home Assistant state update mqtt messages (requires entities to exist or HassAutoDiscovery to have been run first)
HTMLTABLE: htmltable: generates html table of results
JSON: json: generates json representation of the results
RAW: raw: outputs the response as received from the device
SIMPLE: simple: generates a simple representation of the results, eg 'soc=89%'
TABLE: table: generates a table of the results (optionally formatted with line art boxes)
BMSRESPONSE: bmsresponse: generates the BMSResponse for a PI30 inverter
CACHE: cache: generates mqtt messages suited to populating the results cache

Compare Protocols

compare PI30 and PI30MAX protocols
$ powermon-cli --compareProtocols pi30,pi30max

pi30 has 45 commands
pi30max has 67 commands
Commands with the same definition in both protocols (36)
        ['PCP', 'F', 'PBFT', 'QMN', 'QBMS', 'POP', 'PBATMAXDISC', 'POPM', 'MNCHGC', 'DAT', 'PPVOKC', 'PBCV', 'PBT', 'PCVV', 'Q1', 'QMUCHGCR', 'PPCP', 'BTA', 'QPI', 'QVFW', 'PGR', 'MCHGC', 'PBDV', 'PSAVE', 'QOPM', 'PBATCD', 'PSDV', 'PE', 'QBOOT', 'PSPB', 'PF', 'PD', 'MUCHGC', 'POPLG', 'QGMN', 'QMCHGCR']
Commands in pi30max but not pi30 (23)
        {'PLEDT', 'PLEDB', 'QEY', 'QVFW3', 'QOPPT', 'PLEDM', 'PLEDC', 'QLM', 'VERFW', 'QPIGS2', 'QLD', 'QLY', 'QBEQI', 'QLT', 'QT', 'QET', 'PLEDE', 'QSID', 'QEM', 'QLED', 'QED', 'PLEDS', 'QCHPT'}
Commands in pi30 but not pi30max (1)
Commands in both protocols with different config (8)
        ['QPIWS', 'QID', 'QDI', 'QPGS', 'QPIGS', 'QMOD', 'QFLAG', 'QPIRI']

|                        description|                                      Warning status inquiry|Warning status inquiry                                      |
|                          help_text|      -- queries any active warnings flags from the Inverter|Not Present                                                 |
|                        result_type|                                           ResultType.SINGLE|ResultType.SINGLE                                           |
|                              regex|                                                            |                                                            |
|                            aliases|                                                            |                                                            |
|                       command_type|                                                            |                                                            |
|                       command_code|                                                            |                                                            |
|                       command_data|                                                            |                                                            |
|                          construct|                                                            |                                                            |
|             construct_min_response|                                                           8|8                                                           |
|             test_responses (count)|                                                           1|2                                                           |
|        reading_definitions (count)|                                                           1|1                                                           |
|                     rd[0]: Warning|                                                     Matches|                                                            |

[...output truncated...]