powermon.ports.bleport module¶
bleport module ….
- class powermon.ports.bleport.BlePort(mac, protocol: AbstractProtocol)¶
BlePort class - represents a BLE port - extends AbstractPort
- async connect() bool ¶
try to find and connect to the device identified by self.mac
- Raises:
BleakDeviceNotFoundError – could not find or connect to the identified device
PowermonWIP – unexpected error - signified code updates are needed
- Returns:
True if connection was successful
- Return type:
- async disconnect() None ¶
default port disconnect function
- async classmethod from_config(config: dict) BlePort ¶
build the BlePort object from a config dict
- Parameters:
config (dict) – a dict of the config for this class initialization - must include ‘mac’
- Raises:
ConfigError – Raised if something is wrong with the config
- Returns:
the instantiated class object
- Return type:
- is_connected() bool ¶
is this port connected to a device?
- Returns:
True if port is defined and connected
- Return type:
- async send_and_receive(command: Command) Result ¶
main worker function for port objects, specific to each port type
- to_dto() _AbstractPortDTO ¶
convert port object to data transfer object