powermon.mqttbroker.mqttbroker module¶
mqtt broker
provides MqttBroker class
- class powermon.mqttbroker.mqttbroker.MqttBroker(name, port=None, username=None, password=None)¶
MqttBroker class - wraps connecting, subscribing and publishing to a mqtt broker
- property adhoc_result_topic: str¶
the topic to publish adhoc results to
- property adhoc_topic: str¶
the topic to listen for any adhoc command
- connect() None ¶
connect to mqtt broker
- classmethod from_config(config: dict = None) Self ¶
builds the mqtt broker object from a config dict
- Parameters:
config (dict, optional) – Defaults to None which will disable class.
- Returns:
configured (or disabled if config is None) MqttBroker class
- Return type:
- on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc)¶
callback for connect
- on_disconnect(client, userdata, rc)¶
callback for disconnect
- post_adhoc_command(command_code: str) None ¶
shortcut function to publish an adhoc command
- post_adhoc_result(payload: str) None ¶
shortcut function to publish the results of an adhoc command
- publish(topic: str, payload: str) None ¶
- publish messages to the defined mqtt broker
if broker name is ‘screen’ will write to stdout instead
- Parameters:
topic (str) – topic to publish to.
payload (str) – content to publish.
- start() None ¶
start the mqtt broker
- stop() None ¶
stop the mqtt broker
- subscribe(topic: str, callback: Callable) None ¶
subscribe to a topic on the mqtt broker
- Parameters:
topic (str) – topic to subscribe to
callback (Callable) – function to call when a message is received